Scientific publications
Рывкина Г.В.
Традиционные средства передвижения карелов сквозь призму карело-финского эпоса
G.V. Ryvkina. Traditional means of transportation of karelians through the prism of the Karelian-Finnish epic // The conference "Bubrikh readings: a documented vernacular". 2020. Pp. 83-85
Keywords: road culture, boat, sledge, the Karelians, Karelian epic songs, mythology
The article is devoted to the ethnographic analysis of the image of traditional means of transportation of the Karelians – boats and sledges, the source of which was the collection of epic songs "Karelian-Finnish Folk Epic" (1994). The article considers the significance of traditional transport for a Karelian, the functions of vehicles, as well as the material used for the construction of sledges and boats. The analysis of epic songs allowed us to see a stable tradition of changing the mode of transport by Karelians depending on the time of year, as well as to identify the use of boats and sledges in funeral and wedding ceremonies of Karelians.
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Last modified: December 8, 2020