Scientific publications
Кошелева М.В.
Tehta или tehmaha: дистрибуция синтаксических ролей I и III инфинитивов в вепсском языке
M.V. Kosheleva. Tehta or tehmaha: distribution of syntactic functions of the I and III infinitives in the Vepsian language // The conference "Bubrikh readings: a documented vernacular". 2020. Pp. 46-50
Keywords: syntax, infinitives, the Vepsian language, I infinitive, III infinitive
This article discusses constructions with two productive infinitive forms in the Vepsian language: adverbial function of the I infinitive and the illative form of the III infinitive. The aim of the research is to analyze general semantic patterns and search for differences in the use of these forms in traditional dialects and the written language norm. The Veps speech samples recorded in different years by Finnish and Russian scientists, and Vepsian artistic and journalistic texts were used for the research.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: December 8, 2020