
Scientific publications

Сойни Е.Г.
Образ Финляндии в критике С. П. Дягилева в контексте русско-финских культур-ных взаимоотношений XX в
E.G. Soini. The image of finland in the criticism of S. P. Diaghilev in the context of Russian-Finnish cultural relations of the 20th century // The conference "Bubrikh readings: a documented vernacular". 2020. Pp. 118-122
Keywords: the image of Finland, Russian-Finnish relations, S.P. Diaghilev
The famous founder of the Ballets Russes, S. P. Diaghilev devoted his first articles to the theme of ‘the national’ in Finnish art. Inspired by the example of Finnish painters, Diaghilev called on Russian artists to be faithful to their national spirit and not to lag behind the Finns in this, proving what high results can bring the "artist’s unity with the most precious features of his country". S. P. Diaghilev’s journalism became a kind of development program for Russian-Finnish artistic and literary relations of the 20th century.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: December 8, 2020