Миронова В.П.
Номинация жениха и невесты в карельских свадебных рунах
// Linguistica uralica. Т.58. № 1. 2022. C. 27–34
Ключевые слова: Karelian, Karelian wedding Kalevalaic runo songs, naming of the bride and groom
This article examines, based on published sources, the appellations of the bride and groom used in Karelian wedding Kalevalaic runo songs. The main task is to identify and build some sort of a classification of the appellations to reflect the specifics of the wedding vocabulary in general. As a result of the analysis process, we managed to determine the main types of appellations for these wedding characters, and describe the semantics of their origin using ethnographic material.
Индексируется в Scopus, РИНЦ, РИНЦ (WS)
Последние изменения: 18 марта 2023