Чикина Н.В.
Летопись литературной жизни Карелии 2004
Ключевые слова: Литература Карелии, финский язык, карельский язык, вепсский язык
With this issue we resume the publication of such Chronicles, whose publication paused after the last issue in 2011. This paper is structured similarly to the previous editions. It begins with the Chronicles followed by a listing of the published books and articles in the Finnish, Karelian and Veps languages. A distinctive feature of these Chronicles is that they were compiled from the national periodicals published in the Republic of Karelia: magazines Carelia and Kipinä, newspapers Karjalan Sanomat, Oma Mua, Vienan Karjala, Kodima.
Индексируется в РИНЦ
Последние изменения: 25 февраля 2022