
Scientific publications

Литвин Ю.В., Кундозерова М.В., Липницкая С.В., Изергина Е.Н., Шевченко (Кнурева) Я.С.
Карельский и белорусский языки в киберпространстве: социовозрастной и этнопсихологический портрет языковых активистов (опыт сравнительного анализа
Iu.V. Litvin, M.V. Kundozerova, S.V. Lipnitskaia, E.N. Izergina, Ia.S. Shevchenko (Knureva). Karelian and belarusian languages in cyberspace: social, age and ethnic characteristics of language activists (experience of comparative analysis) // The conference "Bubrikh readings: a documented vernacular". 2020. Pp. 171-173
Keywords: ethnic identity, ethnic well-being, Karelian language, Belarusian language, language activism, social networks
Despite the different initial parameters – the geographical distance, the form of government, the status of the language in both regions, at present there is a low percentage of the ethnic language use in the sphere of everyday communication, there is no continuity in the educational sphere. Through the analysis of network activism (using the example of the translation of the VKontakte interface) and interview materials, we will try to answer questions about the age, professions of activists, their motives in language revitalization work, as well as to determine the factors influencing the ethnic identity of young people in the two regions.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: December 8, 2020