
Scientific publications

Громова Л.Г.
К 200-летию тверских переводных памятников карельской письменности начала XIX столетия
L.G. Gromova. On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of tver translated monuments of karelian script of the beginning of the 19th century // The conference "Bubrikh readings: a documented vernacular". 2020. Pp. 110-114
Keywords: translated monuments of the 19th century, Tver dialect, Karelian language
The Author examines the full-text Tver translated monuments done in the Karelian script in the early 19thcentury, namely the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark, from the standpoint of their linguistic potential, place and role in the development of the literary Karelian language 200 years after their creation.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: December 8, 2020