
Scientific publications

Ракин А.Н.
Номинация возвышенного ландшафта в коми-пермяцком языке
A.N. Rakin. Еlevated landscape nomination in the Komi-Permian language // The conference "Bubrikh readings: a documented vernacular". 2020. Pp. 89-92
Keywords: the Komi-Permian language, landscape vocabulary, designations of hills, primordial fund, borrowings
The linguistic analysis of the designation of hills that represent one of the microsystems of the landscape vocabulary of the Komi-Permian language, is performed. The main purpose of the research is to establish the stages of formation of this lexical-thematic group from ancient times to the present day. Classification of nominative units is made on the basis of intra-system features that are characteristic only of this lexical category. In the composition of the primordial fund, names of pre-Permian, common Permian, pra-Komi and Komi-Permian origin are identified and considered. The source of the non-primordial part, consisting of one type of borrowings, was the vocabulary of the Russian literary language and its Northern vernaculars.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: December 8, 2020