Scientific publications
Егоров С.Б.
Отражение исторической памяти вепсов в преданиях
S.B. Egorov. Reflection of the historical memory of the vepsians in the legends // The conference "Bubrikh readings: a documented vernacular". 2020. Pp. 72-75
Keywords: legends, historical memory, Vepsians, local features
The Vepsian folklore tradition has kept legends that reflect the ideas of the ethnos about the origin of specific settlements and their names, as well as the emergence of ancestral burial places as a result of the struggle with enemies. The legends under consideration contain both features that are a common regional heritage and features that reflect local originality associated with the history of the formation of local groups of the Vepsian people, their interaction with the natural and ethnic environment.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: December 8, 2020