Scientific publications
Минвалеев С.А.
К вопросу об этнической идентификации карелов-людиков
S.A. Minvaleev. Regarding the ethnic identification of the ludians issue // The conference "Bubrikh readings: a documented vernacular". 2020. Pp. 51-54
Keywords: Ludians, Karelians, subethnos, ethnic identity, ethnonym
The article deals with the problem of ethno-linguistic identification of such a debatable group of the indigenous population of Karelia as the Ludic Karelians. Russian scientists classify Ludian as one of the dialects of the Karelian language, while Finnish linguists combine Ludian’s dialects into an independent Baltic-Finnish language, and distinguish the Ludians as a separate ethnos, different from the Karelians. After analyzing the ethno-linguistic identification of Ludians in the historical aspect, their ethnic identity and relationships with neighboring Karelian groups, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that the Ludians can be described as a subethnos of the Karelians.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: December 8, 2020