
Scientific publications

Томеллери В.С., Гордиенко Г.В.
Д. В. Бубрих и догерманский субстрат: статья «О языковых следах финских тевтонов-чуди» (1926) и ее неопубликованные варианты
V.S. Tomelleri, G.V. Gordienko. D. V. Bubrikh and the germanic substrate hypothesis: the article "On the linguistic traces of the finnish teuton-chud’" (1926) and its unpublished versions // The conference "Bubrikh readings: a documented vernacular". 2020. Pp. 21-29
Keywords: D. V. Bubrikh, Germanic substrate hypothesis, Finno-Ugric studies, archives
The first part of the present article briefly examines the scientific context in which the hypothesis about the Finno-Ugric substratum in the Germanic languages arose; this was one of the factors in turning D. V. Bubrikh’s scientific interest from Slavic to Finno-Ugric studies. The second part describes the content, structure and fate of six closely related texts (mainly manuscripts) containing this hypothesis.
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Last modified: December 9, 2020