
Scientific publications

Н.В. Лобанова.
Антропоморфные образы в наскальном искусстве Северной Фенноскандии
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Серия Гуманитарные исследования. Вып. 4. 2013. C. 3-15
N.V. Lobanova. Anthropomorphic images in the rock art of Northern Fennoscandia // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Humanitarian studies. Vol. 4. 2013. Pp. 3-15
Keywords: rock art, anthropomorphic images, Northern Fennoscandia, Onega and White Sea petroglyphs, Kanozero, Alta, Nämforsen.
This paper is an attempt to perform comparative analysis of one of the basic and most intriguing images of ancient rock art (humans and human-like creatures) portrayed on rocks of Karelia, Kola Peninsula, Norway and Sweden. These images are an indication of the rich spiritual world of the people who had inhabited Northern Europe 7-3 Ka BP. We consider important problems of their chronology, style and meaning. The author introduces new petroglyphic materials collected from the territory of Karelia over the past 10-15 years into the scientific discourse.

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Last modified: September 25, 2013